Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Guest Blogger: Jessi Topic: My Birthday

Okay to all you people I am Jessi, Jessica, whatever but I am the guest blogger today. Unlike it being my mom it is going to be ME!!! My topic is my birthday which was Wednesday, December 2, 2009..... I am now thirteen an official teenager! So here are some pictures with some captions below them. (hint hint below the picture!)

Earrings from Schuck Grandparents

Watch from Schuck Grandparents

Watch attachment also from Schuck Grandparents

The amazing polka dotted quilt


Awesome blowdryer with atatchments

this is from my friend Brooklyn


MY Yummy Pavlova Cake thingy!

I have been known for my Big Mouth! lol!!
This was my birthday I didn't get a picture with my card from my McCrary Grandparents but I did like it!!!! Luv, Grandma Donna, and "Big Chief"........... it's a long story! Well, not really but anyway you get the point....... hopefully!
OH!!! And all my presents I loved I was just making funny faces..... I am known for that!